Wisdom teeth are the large teeth located right at the back of your mouth and are generally the last teeth to come through. There isn’t always enough room in the mouth for them to grow properly, and this can sometimes cause can cause dental problems.
At NFDC, Dr Carolyn and her team have years of experience with wisdom teeth and best practice for removal. Here we endeavour to answer some of the questions frequently asked, but if you have any other enquiries, do feel free to contact us to discuss your needs.
Contact us to discuss your wisdom teeth enquiry
If you have any pain or infection, make an appointment with us to have a consult. We most likely will need to take an x-ray while you’re here to ensure we have the best view possible of how your wisdom teeth are positioned. Don’t have any pain or any other problems? No need to see a dentist urgently, but do continue with your regular dental check-ups and maintenance cleaning every 6-12 months.
If they are not causing you any problems, there is usually no need to get your wisdom removed. However, you may not notice some problems, such as decay, so it’s important to see your dentist regularly.
If we envision there to be a problem later on, we may recommend you have them removed before you experience any issues. It is also easier to remove wisdom teeth when you are younger because as we age, the bone becomes less flexible and healing is generally slower.
Dr Carolyn may recommend removing your wisdom teeth due to any of the following issues; tooth decay in the wisdom tooth OR in the adjacent tooth if the wisdom tooth is impacted retaining bacteria and food abscesses (pus in your wisdom teeth or the surrounding tissue), an infection of your gum caused by an erupting wisdom tooth (pericoronitis), periodontal (gum) disease, or an infection of your connective tissue (cellulitis), an infection of your bones (osteomyelitis)
Depending on the positioning of the teeth, an extraction can be simple or complicated. Dr Carolyn will discuss the procedure with you prior to ensure you feel informed and comfortable with the process. The following procedures provide an overview of how wisdom teeth are extracted;
As with any surgical procedure, you are likely to have some swelling, bleeding, bruising and discomfort after having your wisdom tooth or teeth extraction. You may also have some temporary numbness of your tongue, lip or chin or other teeth.
When removing an impacted wisdom tooth, it may be necessary to make a cut in your gum, remove bone and sometimes there is need to cut the tooth into pieces in order to remove it. So you may be left with stitches after the extraction (unlike in other dental extractions).
The risks associated with wisdom teeth extraction are increased through stress, poor oral hygiene and getting an upper respiratory tract infection. You can reduce these risks by taking the following steps:
To prevent issues, take extra care of wisdom teeth that have not fully come through.
Hopefully this overview of wisdom teeth extraction and the processes involved will help to establish a clear understanding of what to expect. If you need to discuss your wisdom teeth further, or are suffering any pain or issues, please do get in touch with Dr Carolyn and the team via the button below.
Book a consult with Newmarket Family Dental Care