Emergency Dental Care
Our aim is to provide you with prompt and pain-less emergency dental care.
Our practice can accommodate dental emergencies and accidents quickly and efficiently during weekdays. Outside of normal working hours please contact Dr Langrell-Read directly on mobile for advice.
When you have a dental emergency you need help fast. At Newmarket Family Dental Care we aim to provide emergency dental care and relief of pain as quickly as possible. During week days we endeavour to see you on the day to treat the real dental emergency. Some dental emergencies may be possible to leave a day or two for treatment. Please contact Newmarket Family Dental Care so we can help assess your needs.
We will be happy to assist you with the following dental emergencies:
A tooth knocked out
- Gently rinse the mouth with warm water.
- If it is a primary tooth (Baby tooth) do not reinsert the tooth into the socket as this may damage the permanent tooth developing beneath.
- It is advisable to submit an ACC claim in case of damage to the developing permanent tooth below.
- If it is a permanent tooth (Adult tooth) gently rinse the tooth in water or milk and reinsert the tooth into the tooth socket.
- The time delay is the critical factor in the survival outcome for the tooth that has been knocked out - The tooth must be re-inserted within 60 minutes of being knocked out to give the tooth any chance of long term survival following trauma.
- If the surrounding area is bleeding, using a clean cloth, apply direct pressure to the area for up to 20 minutes to stop the bleeding
Dental pain / tooth ache related to dental decay / dental caries
- Rinse mouth with warm water.
- Use dental floss to remove any food trapped between the teeth.
- If there is swelling, apply cold compresses to the outside cheek.
- DO NOT use heat or place aspirin on aching teeth or gums.
- Take pain relief medication such as Panadol / Panadeine / Nurofen to assist with pain management.
Travel insurance claims
- To ease the burden of a dental emergency the staff at Newmarket Family Dental Care will be happy to assist you with travel insurance claims.
- Full payment is required at time of emergency treatment - We will provide the necessary invoice and receipts to allow you to apply to your insurance company for reimbursement for treatment costs.
- We will provide you with a comprehensive report of the treatment and digital x-ray / clinical photographs to take to assist you with ongoing treatment needs once you return home.
ACC claims
- If your dental emergency is related to an accident then you may be entitled to financial assistance from Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).
- The team at Newmarket Family Dental Care will assist you with the registration process and take the appropriate records / digital x-rays / clinical photographs to fast-track the claims process for you.
- We can provide dental registration forms & claims for NZ citizens & permanent residents if you have had an accident.
- Accident Compensation Corporation may provide a refund to you for the ACC fee component after the claim is submitted and accepted.
- Co-payment ranging from 50-75% of the fee is usually required, based on limited contributions from ACC.
- The ACC contribution is reduced if the tooth has suffered prior damage related to dental disease or previous trauma.