Newmarket Family Dental Care is partnering with the New Zealand Dental Association and the “Adopt a School Campaign” to provide support and sponsorship to Kings School.

Rising rates of dental decay  / childhood obesity and type II diabetes  in our younger population has been heavily attributed to the ease of access to sugary food, primarily sugary drinks. Kings School have recently stopped the sale of sugary drink via the school lunch system opting to supply only water and milk which is a great step forward.

Newmarket Family Dental Care will be assisting Kings School in the following ways;

  • Providing ideas for sugar-free fundraising.
  • Providing resources for class room teaching at the various levels.
  • Providing educational templates for use in print or web based communication within the school and to the wider school community.
  • School visits to promote dental health.

To learn more about the involvement Newmarket Family Dental Care has with Kings School please contact the clinic.